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Fotos aus Istvan's Thälmann-Club in Karlsruhe: | |
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17.12.98 - Volkfest in Halle.
IFA-consert at the MDR-show "Akte Rock".
![]() The most important thing during an IFA-concert is to have the right equipment for the show. IFA Wartburg is always very well prepared before each performance. These are our most important things: | |
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Herzlische weihnachtsgrüßen!
Heinz Klinger |
A nice present
They knew about our coming tour and understood that we had to practise a lot
to get really good as performing artists. Therefore, they send me this great
gift! A brand new voicestudio made in Hungary!
Many Thanks to Kulturzentrum Magdeburg!
Hello all nice socialists of the world!
Christmas is coming and so is IFA Wartburg. Coming to Germany! We are just about to plan our west-tour. The past IFA year has been a good one. Great things are happening all the time.
First, we finished our recording sessions in Gorbyland studios for the
project called "Im dienste des Socialismus". And after that "Der
Verlag/Plattenmeister" made a CD of all those Gorbyland tapes. And now they are selling that record. That is the best part.
In Gorbyland studios we have got some new equipment during the year. An
equalizer from Albania and a brand new adapter unit to our
compressor/limiter. Now, we can compress and equalize at the same time! The
old adapter was a little bit old-fashioned (you can see it on the session
pages), so this investment was a well-needed one. Our synthesizer is still
working fine, even if it only generates monophonic sounds. We want it
polyphonic, and that rebuilding work is someting for the next five-year plan
to finance.
We have had some wonderful jamming sessions with our musicians during the
past year. Poot Zimmermann (playing saxophone), for example. His solos on
the song "Nightclub in Berlin" really turned the song into a fantastic journey through a socialistic landscape. And the guitar player Dschango Reinhardt developed his technique in playing with great presence on
"Spassjazz", this wonderful little song that everybody loves. Our friend Günther Raubschaentze also helped us a lot during the year. For instance, he drove the tractor on "Agrarwissenschaft im dienste des Socialismus" very tasteful. We did not know he was that keen in her way handeling tractors! Günther is a very handy man. And the exotic meeting with Babli Balula during his visit in Gorbyland turned out to an improvised song named "Hallo guter Kommunist!" which is a great one.
The Sessel aus Kassel
Then the summer came by. A boring time of the year with a lot of sunshine,
naked woman and Speise-eis that you have to eat everywhere you go.
Now it is winter again and I have to drink tea to keep warm. That is the
worse part of living in Sweden. Even if you have a nice slipover, you must
drink tea all the time to stand the cold, that comes from all the snow.
The cold from the snow makes it cold outside, you know. The best thing
you can do with the snow is to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Herzlische grüßen von Stockholm and Heinz Klinger
Hier bei EIN KESSEL BUNTES wird in Zukunft die Bandbreite sozialistisch-künstlerischen Wirkens IFA Wartburgs in seinem vollen Spektrum zu bewundern sein.
Als kleinen Vorgeschmack bieten wir Live-Fotografien von den in Deutschland bisher noch nicht zu bewundernden Auftritten dieser einmaligen Musikgruppe. Aber schon bald können wir dieses einmalige Spektakel genießen, mehr hierzu unter der Rubrik GASTSPIELE.
![]() Die Bläser-Sektion | |
![]() Rolf Kempinski |
![]() Heinz Klinger |
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